Comparison of Burnout Levels among Health Care Professional Students in Delhi

Neetu Grewal, Vikrant Mohanty, Aswini Y Balappanavar, Vipul Yadav, Shivam Kapoor


Introduction: The “burnout” syndrome is characterized by three essential components: physical and/or psychological tiredness, denominated by emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (D) and lack of personal accomplishment (PA). It’s a work-related condition which inevitably reduces the work performance and has been reported in various professional groups including physicians and dentists.

Aim and Objective: To determine and compare the burnout levels among final year students and interns in medical and dental professional students in Delhi.

Methodology: This cross-sectional survey was carried among 120 medical and dental students including interns and final year students. The Maslach Burnout Inventory Survey, including the emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment scales, and the demographic information were used to evaluate level of burnout.

Results: Moderate burnout levels were found among both the study groups. Personal accomplishment (PA) was significantly higher in dental students as compared to medical students. (p<0.05)

Conclusion: In the present study significant prevalence of burnout was found among the medical and dental students which can adversely affect their performance and development. Every effort should be made to prevent it at early stages which call for modifications in the working environment as well as at the personal level. Longitudinal studies should be conducted to identifying stressors which contribute the most to burnout.


Stress, Burnout, MBI scale, Dental students, Medical students

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