Psychosocial Problems of Adolescent Girls in Institutional Care

Sumi H Kumar, Anju G R


Adolescence is the time between childhood and adulthood-between the ages of 12 to 18-that is marked by growth and change, and physical and emotional development. The physical and mental changes are predictable, but that does not make this age group any easier to understand and communicate with. Adolescence is a time when a child starts to become his own person, and the separation from parents begins. As adolescents begin to establish an individual identity, rebelliousness and peer influence may sometimes cause conflicts with parents. Positive adult role models can play an important role as young adults start to make their own decisions. Adolescents are not always aware of potential dangers surrounding them and their newfound individuality and freedom, and parental control and authority is often challenged. Knowing how to set limits and how to keep lines of communication open is crucial for parents at this stage. Adolescence follows a well-known pattern, and part of accepting this is to acknowledge the fact that transition to adulthood is a challenging time for both parents and the adolescent.

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