The journal covers the different fields of epidemiology and public health: contributions are encouraged from the fields of public health planning and control, preventive medicine, clinical trials, vaccinology, psychology, sociology, social work, social determinants, demography and population science, biostatistics, occupational and environmental health, water and sanitation, waste disposal, psychiatry, geriatrics, reproductive and child health, nutrition, communicable and non-communicable diseases, molecular biology, entomology, veterinary science, hospital, healthcare system, health economy,mathematical modelization and computer sciences utilizing for public health. Journal is also promoting scientific inquiry, experimentation, innovation, and published success story of public health intervention to reduce diseases in the community.


Issue Title
Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Epidemiology International Hospitalization Patterns of Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangalore Abstract  PDF
Aruna Tubachi, Shaik Riyaz Ameer, Swapnil Paunikar
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