Unani Perspective in the Prevention and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders

Mohd Usman, SM Safdar Ashraf


Mental health is an important aspect of human health. It is the need of hours to preserve this dimension of health. The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in World Health Organization’s definition of health as a state of well-being in which the abilities are realized by individual, can cope with normal stress of life can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Mental disorders are increasing due to more stress level. One in four people in the world are affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point of lives. Mental disorders include depression, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders including autism. According to world health report depression is a common mental disorder and
one of the main causes of disability worldwide. Globally, an estimated 350 million people are affected by depression. Women are more affected than men. Unani system of medicine is the only system which intervenes with Asbab-e-SittaZarooriya (six essential causes) especially by HarkatwasukoonNafsani (Bodily & Psychic movement) and Naumwayaqza (sleep & wakefulness). In this regard TadeelRuh is the basic concept to keep away mental disorders. Equilibrium between these two AsbabeSehat(causes of health) is enough
to keep away mental problems. In spite of that there are a lot of UnaniMufridat (single) and Murakkabat (compound) drugs for examples Musakkinat (Sedative), Mufarrihat (the drug which induce pleasurable effect), Mubrridat (the drug which induce cold effect) and MuqwaiyeDemagh (brain strengthener) which can not only preserve mental health but also keep away mental disorder such as Nisyan (Dementia), Insomnia, Headache, Depression and other mental problems.


Six Essentials Factors (Asbab-e-Sitta Zarrroriya), Sleep & Wakefullness (Naumwayaqza), Sedatives (Musakkinat)

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