Holistic Approach in the Management of Depression: A Review

Reesha Ahmed, Naeem Ahmed Khan, Mohd Waseem, Zafar Javed Khan


Emotions are the basic feelings of human beings. All of us have felt unhappy, “down,” or discouraged at times in our lives. But when somebody feels anxious, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, hurt, restless or irritable, it comes under the categorization of depression. Depression is a disorder of mood that produces sad feelings, negative thoughts, disruptions of sleep, appetite, thinking, and energy level. Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression. The burden of depression is 50% higher for females than males. USM enlists whole Usool-e-ilaj of depression under the heading of ilaj bil ghiza, ilaj bil dawa and ilaj bil tadbeer. In ilaj bil dawa many drugs have been used for the treatment of depression but herbal medications in psychiatry are under research while more than 20 herbal remedies have been identified that may potentially be applied in medicine as anti-depressive, anxiety-relieving or sleep-inducing agents. 


Depression, USM, Usool-e-ilaj and herbal remedies.

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