Clinical Profile of Dengue Fever at SCB Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha

Sasmita Kumari Bisoyi, Tapas Ranjan Behera, Nupur Patnaik, Arun Pradhan


Background: India is one of the seven identified countries in the South-East Asia region regularly reporting dengue fever outbreaks and epidemics and has transformed into a major niche for dengue infection with more new areas being struck by dengue epidemics like Odisha. The present study was aimed to assess clinical profile and current status of dengue cases admitted in Dengue ward of SCB Medical College hospital, Cuttack, Odisha.

Methods: It was a cross sectional prospective observational hospital-based study between July to September 2016 in the Dengue ward of SCB Medical College Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha. Of 3600 dengue patients admitted at this hospital during the study period, a total of 720 cases were selected by systemic random sampling method. (20% of daily 40 new dengue cases). The clinical manifestations and laboratory findings of each group of illness were compared using Chi-square test.

Results: Out of 720 dengue patients, 82.5% were Non-severe Dengue and only 17.5% were Severe Dengue. The Mean age of patients was 36±14.6 years with a male to female ratio of 4:4.1. However, bleeding manifestations like epistaxis, melena were seen in in 15.4% cases especially in severe dengue cases. Rash was present in 17.5% cases. 64 severe dengue cases had TPC less than 50, 000. Among different treatment protocols given to all these dengue patients, 55.7% of non-severe dengue cases were treated with paracetamol and antibiotics, whereas 38.9% of severe dengue cases were treated with paracetamol, antibiotics and platelet infusion. Only 5.7% of non-severe dengue cases were referred to ICU, whereas 50% of severe dengue cases were referred to ICU.

Conclusion: The present study highlights the importance of dengue fever to the clinician in the area of epidemiology, its varied manifestations, complications, and outcome of the disease with no specific antiviral therapy or vaccination available in our country, mortality from dengue fever can only be prevented by its early diagnosis and timely management.


Clinical Profile of Dengue patients, Dengue, Dengue fever

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