A Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Factors Causing Malnutrition among Mothers of Malnourished Under-Five Children Attending IYCF Clinic at a Selected Hospital of West Delhi

Kamlesh Aggarwal


Nutrition of under-five children is of paramount importance because it can lead to long-lasting effect on
the mental and physical health of the children. India faces the burden of diseases in which nutritional
deficiencies are most common.1 A study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding factors causing
malnutrition among the mothers of malnourished under-five children. Quantitative approach with a
descriptive research design was adopted. Thirty mothers of malnourished under-five children attending
IYCF clinic at DDU Hospital, New Delhi, were selected using convenient sampling technique. The tool
used was the structured interview schedule. The results of the present study revealed that overall mean
knowledge score was 13, which was 43.34% of total score revealing average knowledge of the mothers
regarding factors affecting malnutrition.


Malnutrition, Under-five children, IYCF

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