Evidence-Based Monitoring Mechanism for Quality of Distance Education Program Using ICT and Its Impact

Neerja Sood


Program monitoring and evaluation is essential to know whether the program inputs are adequate to implement the program strategy, and outcomes are achieved as planned. It also provides opportunity to find out the strengths and weaknesses and strategies to improve in future. It provides evidence-based information for revision of the program. The objective of the study was to collect the feedback from the stakeholders and monitor the activities at the program study center to assess the problems faced by program in-charges, academic counselors and learners, and design a feedback format, analyze the data and design monitoring format for monitoring the implementation of the program at various program study centers from IGNOU, HQ using information communication technology. This will help to assess the input and process quality. Further, it will provide vision for revision of implementation strategy of the program in future. Initially feedback was sought from program in-charges and academic counselors and based on this feedback format was designed. Feedback was collected from learners, academic counselors and program in-charges, it was analyzed and a decision was taken to design a monitoring format. Monitoring of local program study centers in Delhi was done through visits, and outside Delhi was done through e-mails, telephones and mobile phones. The status report was prepared and a Review Committee Meeting was organized. Committee members suggested the revised implementation strategy of theory and practical sessions and revised norms for academic counselor for practical sessions; the committee also suggested future action for the revision of the program. Learner support activities were undertaken by the program coordinator and with the support of electronic media production division to facilitate the learners to complete the program successfully. Publicity activities were initiated though student support centers to increase the enrolment.

The study helped in revision of theory and practical implementation strategy, revised norms for academic counseling for practical sessions, working out log book for practical activities, program guide revision and modification to make it learner friendly, revision of content, assignments and practical activities in future.


Monitoring, Quality, Distance education, Information communication technology, Evidence based

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