Assess the Effects of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Glasgow Coma Scale among Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital at Bhopal

N Kumar, Neha Dubey


The present study was conducted to assess the effect of Planned teaching Programme on knowledge regarding Glass coma Scale among staff nurses working in selected hospital at Bhopal. An experimental design was chosen with pre-test and post-test of experimental and control group. The sample size was 60 Staff Nurses divided into two groups as 30 in experimental and 30 in control group. The tools used for conducting the study included demographic data, self structured questionnaire to assess knowledge of experimental and control group. The experimental group was given Planned teaching Programme as an intervention and the control group was used for comparison only without interventions. The data were analyzed with statistics and unpaired t-test was done. The study clearly shows that there was a significant gain in knowledge of Staff Nurses in experimental group with PTP which emphasizes that Teaching Staff Nurses on Glass Coma Scale improves Nursing Care of Unconscious patients. Therefore the Staff Nurses can be benefited with PTP to improve knowledge and practice on Unconscious patients.


Glass Coma Scale, PTP, Staff Nurses and Nursing Care

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