Status of Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Hyperthyroidism

Dr. Dinesh K Dhanwal, Vivek Dixit, R K Marwah


Vitamin D deficiency is widely prevalent in patients with hyperthyroidism along with lower bone mineral density. Against this background, the present study aims to analyze the status of bone mineral density in patients with hyperthyroidism along with age and sex matched controls. 70 consecutive patients and controls were analyzed for thyroid function test, BMD parameters and DEXA scan. The values of BMD parameters were analyzed at the baseline in both patients & control group. The baseline values of vitamin D and PTH of both the groups were 19.24±10.15 Vs 28.38±14.56 and 69.81±57.41Vs 58.53±46.49 respectively. BMD at spine and Hip were -1.38±1.31 Vs -0.26±0.80 and -1.02±1.11 Vs -0.22±0.93 respectively. The BMD of total body was 1.044±0.10 Vs 1.160±0.08. Vitamin D deficiency was found to be prevalent in patients with hyperthyroidism along with significantly reduced BMD compared to controls. The occurrence of osteopenia was higher than osteoporosis in the patient group at both lumbar spine and hip region.


Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, vitamin D, India, bone mineral density, BMD

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