Primary Tubercular Abscess of Thigh in an Immunocompetent Individual

Paras Kathuria, Naresh Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Gaurav S Pradhan


Primary tuberculous muscular abscess is a rare manifestation of musculoskeletal tuberculosis especially in an immunocompetent individual. It can cause a diagnostic dilemma for a physician or surgeon because of its presentation similar to pyogenic abscess, hematomas and soft tissue sarcomas. We present a case of a 19 year old immunocompetent boy who presented with short duration of fever and swelling in the left thigh. Investigations revealed the cause of intramuscular abscess in vastus lateralis as tuberculosis. Patient improved after antitubercular therapy.


Tubercular abscess, Vastus lateralis, Immunocompetent, Pyomyositis.

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